Monday, January 19, 2009

6 Months Later

So it's been almost six months since Hashimoto became a word in my vocabulary. Well, in truth that word didn't enter until November when I found a GOOD doctore, but nevertheless. I feel less tired than I used to, but it's still a rollercoaster ride. I need to go back to my doctor and get my meds readjusted. I also am going to have them test for Celiac Disease and something else that I can't remember. Celiac Disease is closely related to Hashimotos. I feel like an old lady lately. (Sorry old ladies) I get so stiff and sore when I sit in one position for too long. Especially if I'm sitting on my knees. That isn't normal and from what I've read could be Celiac. BLAH. Not fun. I also have some days where I could clean the whole house followed by days of not wanting to do anything. Again, not good. I need to reserve a day to sitting and waiting and going back to the doctor so that I can get to feeling better again. I've lost my creative side most days and that I hate the most. I just don't feel like sewing or scrapbooking or anything. Too much mess, too much thinking. Gotta get down to the bottom of this so that I can feel better.
Oh and my toes hurt with cold on chilly days. And I'm tired of being cold all the time still!

1 comment:

Rachel Bostwick said...

Anything that kills creativity is BAD. Creativity is happiness (creativity and being a mom and stuff). Cold feet are BAD, too. it can't be easy going through that junk and having a toddler! I know what you mean about feeling like an old lady... before I had my gallbladder out, I was complaining about it all the time, and just saying the word 'gallbladder' made me feel ancient. Keep us posted on how it all goes.