Thursday, June 26, 2008


I am very proud of the fact that I got to eat my first tomato of the season fresh out of my garden! I have more coming, but this was the very first one to ripen. It was a little tart, but it tasted like a tomato. Fancy that. And organic too :)

I forgot to take a photo before I cut it open and started enjoying it!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Most Happy

I was playing in Knox's ball pit with him this evening (yes he has his own ball pit! so fun!) and I was thinking how much fun I was having. Granted we weren't really doing much, I was just burying him and tossing balls around with him, but I was happy. I couldn't see wanting to do anything else at that moment but enjoy playing with my little boy.
I also realized that I'm most happy when I'm either with Darren and/or Knox. Nothing makes my day more lately than when Knox and I have fun together. Sure I sometimes do miss teaching and the excitement that it brought, but I wouldn't trade being with Knox during the days for any job in the world. It perplexes me the people who do chose work over being at home all day. Yes I know there are those who have to work, I have a friend from college whose circumstances have caused her family to have to make changes in order to continue to eat, and I don't mean people like her. What can you do if not working means your family doesn't have basic necessities? I'm more talking about chosing not to be at home. I know people will give lots of excuses, but to me, I couldn't pick work over my child. I love being at home with him. Yes, there are days where he's cranky and I'd rather be doing my own thing, but those days don't overshadow the fun we have together. On cranky days, we take extra walks, go to Target, call a friend, anything for a diversion. On other days, we just play and take our time going places and doing things. We don't have to rush through breakfast or anything else. We just take our time and enjoy life together. I'm definately one who likes to do many things all the time, but sitting in Knox's ball pit today was one of the most enjoyable times ever.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I recaulked the bathtub this week. Boy was it a lot harder than I thought it was going to be! I have a lot to clean up since it kind of went everywhere! I have to do the other bathroom too, but thankfully the caulk in there will be white instead of black! Yuck.
Those plumbers on the how to video make it look sooooo easy, but it's hard! When you wipe off the excess with a damp sponge, ALL OF IT comes off. Sigh. What a mess. And now neither bathtub drains quickly. You take a bath and a shower at the same time. But I have to add, I didn't break the tubs. They just stopped working.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

First Post

I have no idea if anyone will ever read any of this, but maybe I can turn this into some freelance writing project some day. Considering how late it is, that is all I have to say for now.