Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do You Fear God or Man?

I have been a participant in a Precept Bible Study on Isaiah. If you ever get a chance to do one, DO IT. Studying the Bible intensly has made me learn so much about God. I thought I knew a decent amount, but I didn't! I still don't, but I'm learning.
The main idea that I'm getting out of my study is that we must fear God, not man. Why? Well here's one favorite verse to tell you why to not fear man- "Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?" Isa. 2:22

Before I launch into a blog series about Isaiah, I'm going to give some background. I was a bit confused when I started, so I imagine other people may be as well.

Israel consisted of 12 tribes. They spilt into two kingdoms. The S. Kingdom contained the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. The N. Kingdom the other ten. Some members of the N. tribes decided to stay behind because the S. Kingdome contained Jerusalem (where the temple was).

The N. Kingdom is called Israel and Ephraim
The S. Kingdom is typically called Judah in Isaiah

Isaiah is speaking from 739BC until 681BC. In 722BC Judah gets captured by Assyria, but it isn't complete for 180yrs.

There were four kings during Isaiah's time: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah

Got that?

Quick summary - Judah has turned its back on God and he isn't too happy with them. However, because God is who he is, he is always willing to forgive if they would just turn towards him. Sound familiar?

Isaiah is a scary book because you can see so many parallels to today! I think that is enough for today. Don't want to overload anyone.

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